iOS App and Swift API

The MLC LLM iOS app can be installed in two ways: through the pre-built package or by building from the source. If you are an iOS user looking to try out the models, the pre-built package is recommended. If you are a developer seeking to integrate new features into the package, building the iOS package from the source is required.

Use Pre-built iOS App

The MLC Chat app is now available in App Store at no cost. You can download and explore it by simply clicking the button below:

Build iOS App from Source

This section shows how we can build the app from the source.

Step 1. Install Build Dependencies

First and foremost, please clone the MLC LLM GitHub repository.

Please follow Install TVM Unity Compiler to install TVM Unity. Note that we do not have to run since we can use prebuilt weights. We only need TVM Unity’s utility to combine the libraries (local-id-iphone.tar) into a single library.

We also need to have the following build dependencies:

  • CMake >= 3.24,

  • Git and Git-LFS,

  • Rust and Cargo, which are required by Hugging Face’s tokenizer.

Step 2. Download Prebuilt Weights and Library

You also need to obtain a copy of the MLC-LLM source code by cloning the MLC LLM GitHub repository. To simplify the build, we will use prebuilt model weights and libraries here. Run the following command in the root directory of the MLC-LLM.

mkdir -p dist/prebuilt
git clone dist/prebuilt/lib

cd dist/prebuilt
git lfs install
git clone
cd ../..

Validate that the files and directories exist:

>>> ls -l ./dist/prebuilt/lib/*/*-iphone.tar

>>> ls -l ./dist/prebuilt/RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1-q4f16_1-MLC
# chat config:
# model weights:

Step 3. Build Auxiliary Components

Tokenizer and runtime

In addition to the model itself, a lightweight runtime and tokenizer are required to actually run the LLM. You can build and organize these components by following these steps:

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ./ios

This will create a ./build folder that contains the following files. Please make sure all the following files exist in ./build/.

>>> ls ./build/lib/
libmlc_llm.a         # A lightweight interface to interact with LLM, tokenizer, and TVM Unity runtime
libmodel_iphone.a    # The compiled model lib
libsentencepiece.a   # SentencePiece tokenizer
libtokenizers_cpp.a  # Huggingface tokenizer
libtvm_runtime.a     # TVM Unity runtime

Add prepackage model

We can also optionally add prepackage weights into the app, run the following command under the ./ios directory:

cd ./ios
open ./ # make sure builtin_list only contains "RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1-q4f16_1"

The outcome should be as follows:

>>> ls ./dist/

Step 4. Build iOS App

Open ./ios/MLCChat.xcodeproj using Xcode. Note that you will need an Apple Developer Account to use Xcode, and you may be prompted to use your own developer team credential and product bundle identifier.

Ensure that all the necessary dependencies and configurations are correctly set up in the Xcode project.

Once you have made the necessary changes, build the iOS app using Xcode. If you have an Apple Silicon Mac, you can select target “My Mac (designed for iPad)” to run on your Mac. You can also directly run it on your iPad or iPhone.

Customize the App

We can customize the iOS app in several ways. MLCChat/app-config.json controls the list of local and remote models to be packaged into the app, given a local path or a URL respectively. Only models in model_list will have their libraries brought into the app when running ./prepare_libs to package them into libmodel_iphone.a. Each model defined in app-config.json contain the following fields:


(Required if local model) Name of the local folder containing the weights.


(Required if remote model) URL to the repo containing the weights.


(Required) Unique local identifier to identify the model.


(Required) Matches the system-lib-prefix, generally set during mlc_llm compile which can be specified using --system-lib-prefix argument. By default, it is set to "${model_type}_${quantization}" e.g. gpt_neox_q4f16_1 for the RedPajama-INCITE-Chat-3B-v1 model. If the --system-lib-prefix argument is manually specified during mlc_llm compile, the model_lib field should be updated accordingly.


(Required) Estimated requirements of VRAM to run the model.


(Required) List of paths to the model libraries in the app (respective .tar file in the binary-mlc-llm-libs repo, relative path in the dist artifact folder or full path to the library). Only used while running to determine which model library to use during runtime. Useful when selecting a library with different settings (e.g. prefill_chunk_size, context_window_size, and sliding_window_size).

Additionally, the app prepackages the models under ./ios/dist. This built-in list can be controlled by editing You can package new prebuilt models or compiled models by changing the above fields and then repeating the steps above.

Bring Your Own Model Variant

In cases where the model you are adding is simply a variant of an existing model, we only need to convert weights and reuse existing model library. For instance:

  • Adding NeuralHermes when MLC already supports the Mistral architecture

In this section, we walk you through adding NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B-q3f16_1-MLC to the MLC iOS app. According to the model’s config.json on its Huggingface repo, it reuses the Mistral model architecture.


This section largely replicates Convert Weights via MLC. See that page for more details. Note that the weights are shared across all platforms in MLC.

Step 1 Clone from HF and convert_weight

You can be under the mlc-llm repo, or your own working directory. Note that all platforms can share the same compiled/quantized weights. See Compile Command Specification for specification of convert_weight.

# Create directory
mkdir -p dist/models && cd dist/models
# Clone HF weights
git lfs install
git clone
cd ../..
# Convert weight
mlc_llm convert_weight ./dist/models/NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B/ \
    --quantization q4f16_1 \
    -o dist/NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B-q3f16_1-MLC

Step 2 Generate MLC Chat Config

Use mlc_llm gen_config to generate mlc-chat-config.json and process tokenizers. See Compile Command Specification for specification of gen_config.

mlc_llm gen_config ./dist/models/NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B/ \
    --quantization q3f16_1 --conv-template neural_hermes_mistral \
    -o dist/NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B-q3f16_1-MLC

For the conv-template, contains a full list of conversation templates that MLC provides.

If the model you are adding requires a new conversation template, you would need to add your own. Follow this PR as an example. We look up the template to use with the conv_template field in mlc-chat-config.json.

For more details, please see Customize MLC Config File in JSON.

Step 3 Upload weights to HF

# First, please create a repository on Hugging Face.
# With the repository created, run
git lfs install
git clone
cd my-mistral-weight-huggingface-repo
cp path/to/mlc-llm/dist/NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B-q3f16_1-MLC/* .
git add . && git commit -m "Add mistral model weights"
git push origin main

After successfully following all steps, you should end up with a Huggingface repo similar to NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B-q3f16_1-MLC, which includes the converted/quantized weights, the mlc-chat-config.json, and tokenizer files.

Step 4 Register as a ModelRecord

Finally, we modify the code snippet for app-config.json pasted above.

We simply specify the Huggingface link as model_url, while reusing the model_lib for Mistral-7B.

"model_list": [
   // Other records here omitted...
      // Substitute model_url with the one you created `my-huggingface-account/my-mistral-weight-huggingface-repo`
      "model_url": "",
      "model_id": "Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-q3f16_1",
      "model_lib": "mistral_q3f16_1",
      "model_lib": "lib/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2-q3f16_1-iphone.tar",
      "estimated_vram_bytes": 3316000000

Now, the app will use the NeuralHermes-Mistral model you just added.

Bring Your Own Model Library

A model library is specified by:

  • The model architecture (e.g. mistral, phi-msft)

  • Quantization Scheme (e.g. q3f16_1, q0f32)

  • Metadata (e.g. context_window_size, sliding_window_size, prefill_chunk_size), which affects memory planning

  • Platform (e.g. cuda, webgpu, iphone, android)

In cases where the model you want to run is not compatible with the provided MLC prebuilt model libraries (e.g. having a different quantization, a different metadata spec, or even a different model architecture), you need to build your own model library.

In this section, we walk you through adding phi-2 to the iOS app.

This section largely replicates Compile Model Libraries. See that page for more details, specifically the iOS option.

Step 0. Install dependencies

To compile model libraries for iOS, you need to build mlc_llm from source.

Step 1. Clone from HF and convert_weight

You can be under the mlc-llm repo, or your own working directory. Note that all platforms can share the same compiled/quantized weights.

# Create directory
mkdir -p dist/models && cd dist/models
# Clone HF weights
git lfs install
git clone
cd ../..
# Convert weight
mlc_llm convert_weight ./dist/models/phi-2/ \
    --quantization q4f16_1 \
    -o dist/phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC

Step 2. Generate mlc-chat-config and compile

A model library is specified by:

  • The model architecture (e.g. mistral, phi-msft)

  • Quantization Scheme (e.g. q3f16_1, q0f32)

  • Metadata (e.g. context_window_size, sliding_window_size, prefill_chunk_size), which affects memory planning

  • Platform (e.g. cuda, webgpu, iphone, android)

All these knobs are specified in mlc-chat-config.json generated by gen_config.

# 1. gen_config: generate mlc-chat-config.json and process tokenizers
mlc_llm gen_config ./dist/models/phi-2/ \
    --quantization q4f16_1 --conv-template phi-2 \
    -o dist/phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC/
# 2. mkdir: create a directory to store the compiled model library
mkdir -p dist/libs
# 3. compile: compile model library with specification in mlc-chat-config.json
mlc_llm compile ./dist/phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC/mlc-chat-config.json \
    --device iphone -o dist/libs/phi-2-q4f16_1-iphone.tar

Given the compiled library, it is possible to calculate an upper bound for the VRAM usage during runtime. This useful to better understand if a model is able to fit particular hardware. That information will be displayed at the end of the console log when the compile is executed. It might look something like this:

[2024-04-25 03:19:56] INFO Total memory usage: 1625.73 MB (Parameters: 1492.45 MB. KVCache: 0.00 MB. Temporary buffer: 133.28 MB)
[2024-04-25 03:19:56] INFO To reduce memory usage, tweak `prefill_chunk_size`, `context_window_size` and `sliding_window_size`
[2024-04-25 03:19:56] INFO Generated: dist/libs/phi-2-q4f16_1-iphone.tar


When compiling larger models like Llama-2-7B, you may want to add a lower chunk size while prefilling prompts --prefill_chunk_size 128 or even lower context_window_sizeto decrease memory usage. Otherwise, during runtime, you may run out of memory.

Step 3. Distribute model library and model weights

After following the steps above, you should end up with:

~/mlc-llm > ls dist/libs
  phi-2-q4f16_1-iphone.tar  # ===> the model library

~/mlc-llm > ls dist/phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC
  mlc-chat-config.json                             # ===> the chat config
  ndarray-cache.json                               # ===> the model weight info
  params_shard_0.bin                               # ===> the model weights
  tokenizer.json                                   # ===> the tokenizer files

Upload the phi-2-q4f16_1-iphone.tar to a github repository (for us, it is in binary-mlc-llm-libs). Then upload the weights phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC to a Huggingface repo:

# First, please create a repository on Hugging Face.
# With the repository created, run
git lfs install
git clone
cd my-phi-weight-huggingface-repo
cp path/to/mlc-llm/dist/phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC/* .
git add . && git commit -m "Add phi-2 model weights"
git push origin main

This would result in something like phi-2-q4f16_1-MLC.

Step 4. Register as a ModelRecord

Finally, we update the code snippet for app-config.json pasted above.

We simply specify the Huggingface link as model_url, while using the new model_lib for phi-2. Regarding the field estimated_vram_bytes, we can use the output of the last step rounded up to MB.

"model_list": [
   // Other records here omitted...
      // Substitute model_url with the one you created `my-huggingface-account/my-phi-weight-huggingface-repo`
      "model_url": "",
      "model_id": "phi-2-q4f16_1",
      "model_lib": "phi_msft_q4f16_1",
      "estimated_vram_bytes": 3043000000

Now, the app will use the phi-2 model library you just added.

Build Apps with MLC Swift API

We also provide a Swift package that you can use to build your own app. The package is located under ios/MLCSwift.

  • First make sure you have run the same steps listed in the previous section. This will give us the necessary libraries under /path/to/ios/build/lib.

  • Then you can add ios/MLCSwift package to your app in Xcode. Under “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content”, click add package dependencies and add local package that points to ios/MLCSwift.

  • Finally, we need to add the libraries dependencies. Under build settings:

    • Add library search path /path/to/ios/build/lib.

    • Add the following items to “other linker flags”.

    -lmlc_llm -ltvm_runtime

You can then import the MLCSwift package into your app. The following code shows an illustrative example of how to use the chat module.

import MLCSwift

let threadWorker = ThreadWorker()
let chat = ChatModule()

threadWorker.push {
   let modelLib = "model-lib-name"
   let modelPath = "/path/to/model/weights"
   let input = "What is the capital of Canada?"
   chat.reload(modelLib, modelPath: modelPath)

   while (!chat.stopped()) {


Because the chat module makes heavy use of GPU and thread-local resources, it needs to run on a dedicated background thread. Therefore, avoid using DispatchQueue, which can cause context switching to different threads and segfaults due to thread-safety issues. Use the ThreadWorker class to launch all the jobs related to the chat module. You can check out the source code of the MLCChat app for a complete example.